Among many other uses, casters are used in shopping carts, office chairs, hospital beds, and other material handling equipment. They add a level of damping to the movement of the item, and help to control the vehicle.
Why do caster wheels wobble?
Choosing the right caster depends on the type of application. For example, a wheel with a high caster angle will have higher stability at high speeds. Castors can be fitted on a pivot, or mounted on a swivel.
Wheel castor can be made of various materials. The materials vary in characteristics such as hardness, abrasion resistance, and service life.
Generally, casters are made of rubber, metal, or plastic. The rubber outside of the caster provides cushioning, absorbs shock, and reduces noise. They are also highly resistant to chemicals and oil.
Rubber casters are usually mounted with an offset steering pivot. This allows the wheel to swivel while maintaining proper alignment. They are also easy to roll, and have excellent abrasion resistance.
Rubber casters are used in many different applications. They are durable, and are available in a variety of sizes. Some are also available in polyurethane.
Polyurethane wheels have excellent abrasion resistance, and are also very durable. They are easy to roll, and they operate well on a variety of floor surfaces. Generally, rubber wheels have a rubber edge to absorb shock and to prevent floor damage.
There are 27 types of casters. These range from small, light duty castors to heavy duty castors.