Temporary workers in france

In France, the euworkers.fr of employees with temporary contracts continues to rise. As a result, the country is facing a reversal of the post-war labour model which guaranteed salaried workers some degree of security for decades. This is a fact that is illustrated by the impact of recent economic conditions on employment trends (e.g., health crisis, drop in demand) and on the number of people on short contracts.

The high proportion of temporary employment can be explained by the way in which companies are using fixed-term contracts as a means to reduce their workforce during times of financial uncertainty. This practice can also be linked to the greater sensitivity of temporary workers to fluctuations in demand. INSEE data suggests that the weight of temporary workers drops significantly during economic crises.

Temporary Work in France: Pros and Cons for Employers

Temporary workers are also more sensitive to fluctuations in the economy because they have less job security than permanent workers. In fact, it is quite common for temporary workers to get fired without a notice period, which often results in a loss of income and an increased level of precarity. Moreover, the end of contract indemnity that is paid to those on temporary contracts (called the ‘prime de précarite’ in French) only exists in some legislations. This is an additional cost for employers and can limit the reversal of hiring decisions during economic crises. In addition, the higher level of ingroup identification exhibited by voluntary workers mediates their reaction to job-related threats. It can lead to a collective response or an avoidant or self-centred reaction, depending on the context.

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